Viagra Brand reviews and testimonials
AAaronVerified review
ok so i tried other products but got the product today. Took the pill watied about 2 hours and it kicked in,. IT WORKS!!!! No lie You can email, reply comment below, and I will give my contact info. to verify. I lasted about 45 mins and was erect and hard the entire time. Will take a pill ever other day like others are saying
BBrunoVerified review
Im 40 and still functional but with this I give an extra inch or 2, stiff like a MOFO. She loves it even tho she doesn’t know I take it. I take half of the pill and the effect lasts about 2 days. Sometimes a little headache but hemp gummies help a lot with that.Full stomach and lots of water is a must
PPieterVerified review
Gradually declining results for bout 4-5 days. I’m 35 and don’t “need” it, but definitely gives you the confidence to go full “Sparta” if ya know what I mean. First day is boner-city, and you’re “hangin’ heavy” through the week. Cool product for sure.
AArnoldVerified review
This is an amazing product however I was skeptical at first but why not take a chance right? So I bought it within a couple of days it arrives I took one that night as directed on the box within 2 hours on an empty stomach pow!! Major erection ! I’m 51 and have tried other products in the recent past and was disappointed take it from me you will not be disappointed.cheers.
GGuusVerified review
Love it. I could go few rounds the same night without feeling weak or exhausted. I recommend this to everyone that works a lot and you need that extra push. If you want to be discreet you could remove it from the box and be like they're vitamins sense the inside package doesn't have words over it.