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Tretinoin Gel reviews and testimonials

  • LR
    Lola Reece
    Verified review

    Life changer! Before I tried this gel, I thought I should get used to hormonal acne flares before my period. It turned out Tretinoin could efficiently deal with that problem. What a blessing!

  • PH
    Payton Holbrook
    Verified review

    A-Ret gel 20 g 0.05% reminded me of what it is to have smooth skin without acne. After 5 years of fighting acne, I almost forgot what it's like to have beautiful skin. The first month of treatment was not easy. I had to go through redness and skin irritation. But I knew that many faced this problem and waited patiently for improvements. In my case, they happened only at the end of the second month. The acne healed, and now my skin looks gorgeous.

  • KB
    Kevin Blue
    Verified review

    I recommend this acne remedy if you are willing to endure it for the sake of beautiful skin. I was so tired of acne that I was ready to go a couple of weeks with a red, peeling face. Then, the skin began to clear. After three months, my pimples almost disappeared. I wish I had known about the existence of this gel 10 years ago.

  • KR
    Kaia Rainey
    Verified review

    So, around five months ago, I asked my dermatologist to give me something to prevent acne scars. I went right into everyday usage of Tretinoin Gel. I was expecting inflammation and redness, but neither appeared. The product is excellent. There is some peeling, but the scars are gradually diminishing. It's the main thing.

  • MM
    Myla McClellan
    Verified review

    I started using the Retin-A gel for the antiage effect. After a week of use, my skin turned red, there were shells and irritation. I'm not willing to make that kind of sacrifice to smooth out wrinkles, so I stopped using it.

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