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Rybelsus reviews and testimonials

  • NB
    Nina Baker
    Verified review

    Type 2 diabetes, female 40 years old, if that matters. I have pretty typical diabetes symptoms that keep most people like me from living an everyday life. But on top of that, obesity gave me hypertension. At 5 feet and 7 inches, I weighed 240 lbs. The doctor prescribed me a strict diet and Rybelsus, the dose of which increased every month. During the first weeks, I had diarrhea and tolerable nausea. However, these symptoms almost disappeared with time. In three months, I've lost around 80 lbs because I don't want to eat at all. I can do with salad and a bowl of porridge a day. My sugar level is still far from normal. But I feel healthier, and my blood pressure is OK. I think this drug is worth a positive review.

  • JC
    Jenna Carpenter
    Verified review

    This drug kills appetite. There is really no craving for food. That is a key to successful weight loss and getting rid of diabetes symptoms. But I'm a bit anxious about what will happen after I stop taking it. I hope my symptoms won't come back. Anyway, I have one more month of treatment ahead and should lose another 10-15 lbs. So far, I am happy.

  • RC
    Ross Castro
    Verified review

    I am a diabetic with seniority and also have PCOS. I've already taken other drugs like Victoza before, but they only worked as long as I took them. After finishing the treatment, I always regained weight, and high blood sugar returned to me too. This time with Rybrlsus, everything was different. After three months, I lost 33 lbs. My blood sugar level reached prediabetic levels. A month has passed since the end of the treatment, and I managed to maintain the results achieved on my own. I am delighted.

  • AS
    Arthur Simmons
    Verified review

    I used to take other blood sugar control drugs, including Metformin. I had terrible side effects. I was constantly sick and had a headache. At the same time, the sugar level remained high. Thank God, the doctor prescribed me Rybelsus, and after the first month, I felt a huge difference. My A1C is around 6.4%, and I feel much better. Looking forward to another month on Rybelsus. I have high hopes for this drug.

  • PM
    Phoebe Medina
    Verified review

    I finished the treatment two months ago. Now, I try to stay healthy without any drugs. But Rybelsus did help me get to where I am now. My blood glucose and cholesterol levels are more stable. There were no noticeable side effects. Throughout treatment, I had the impression that my entire body was operating better.

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