Fildena Super Active reviews and testimonials
BPBenjamin PattersonVerified review
I love this medicine because it brought back to me everything that I loved so much before - confident sex that brings pleasure. I began to feel insecure after 46 years because of impotence. A simple thought that something might not work out for me greatly disturbed me. Now I don't think at all about what created so much stress in me until recently.
CACarlos AdamsonVerified review
The only med that I have been buying on a regular basis for 8 months now. Neither I nor my friends who recommended Fildena to me have met with serious side effects. Now I can have sex all night long without being afraid that next morning my head will be drilled out.
MTMaurice TennantVerified review
This drug really does what it says on ads. The erection became as hard as stone. My penis has become more hardy than ever. I can start sexual act for at least 20-30 minutes until ejaculation. The erection does not become sluggish. I was able to regain my youth together with Fildena.
SBSamuel BrownVerified review
This medicine helped me to get rid of my complexes. I started experiencing problems with erectile dysfunction at a relatively early age - about 34. It was a disaster for me because I had to change my lifestyle. I couldn't meet girls at parties so confidently if I knew anything could go wrong with my erection. Fildena has given me back everything that I have loved so much all these years. Absolutely worth the money spent.