Champix generic reviews and testimonials
FTFreeman TerrazasVerified review
This year I turned 40. Health concerns made me suddenly stop smoking. Then I started smoking again, but there was an obsessive thought that I needed to end this. I decided to try a 3-month Champix treatment. I've been taking 1 mg tablets for two months and I stopped smoking at the 3rd week. I didn’t have to face a strong nicotine withdrawal, so I didn’t give up.
BSBenson StringerVerified review
I have been taking Champix for 3 weeks and have halved the number of cigarettes I smoke. I began to get less pleasure from cigarettes, but hey this is what we want, right? Side effects: nausea, vivid dreams, and dry mouth.
SBSjarel BelmontVerified review
The best remedy at the moment, 100 % effective. I smoked one pack a day and one and a half on weekends for 15 years. From the 13th day of taking Champix, I reduced the number of cigarettes I smoked to 11, and after the 3rd week to 5 cigarettes a day. Now I don't smoke and I don't want to. I'm very satisfied. I hope my story inspires others to do the same. Good luck!