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Amoxil generic reviews and testimonials

  • EM
    Elaine Manning
    Verified review

    I was given Amoxil to treat flu-like symptoms. I was sure it was covid again, but the symptoms largely disappeared within 3 days. My throat was slightly harsh a little while afterwards, but that was it

  • CC
    Cindy Clarke
    Verified review

    I was given Amoxil to help fight off abscesses in my wisdom tooth. If there were side effects, I was not aware of any

  • AO
    Ali Omar
    Verified review

    Hello! I thought I was infected with COVID-19, but after I was tested, it was just a bronchial infection. I was prescribed Amoxil 500 mg for 7 days. It was making me a little sick, but I noticed positive results within the first 2 days of taking it

  • DO
    Dane Owen
    Verified review

    My family doctor recommends Amoxil as the best treatment for bacterial infections.

  • HK
    Harper Kent
    Verified review

    I am prescribed Amoxil alongside with some other meds to help with my asthma. It works fine, but I wonder if it would have the same effect on its own

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