Aciclovir Cream reviews and testimonials
WMWednesday MossVerified review
I was so shy of herpes on my lips that I just locked myself in the house for two weeks when this happened to me (usually about two times a year). I tried a bunch of ointments, but nothing worked. Aciclovir was the last on my list of trials and errors, and I can say with precision and full responsibility that this is the only remedy that removes bumps in a few days. Totally recommend it.
VBVance BlackVerified review
Herpes on my lips causes me a lot of inconvenience. Besides, it is very ugly and disgusts many people. Unfortunately, these things appear suddenly; personally, I do not have a tingling stage. I am very glad that I found this cream. After applying the product, literally in one night, bumps noticeably decrease in size, and on the second day, they become invisible. This is just a miracle!