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Aciclovir Cream reviews and testimonials

  • RG
    Riley Gooden
    Verified review

    When I get a cold sore (tingle), I apply Acivir cream right away, and it prevents blisters. The only problem is that it tastes awful to me.

  • CE
    Clive Epps
    Verified review

    I no longer use Zoster cream. No matter how much I have tried, there has been almost no effect. However, the same drug in the tablets saved me from herpes for a few days.

  • PE
    Penny Emmanuel
    Verified review

    I am 23 years old and have recently experienced the first severe outbreak of cold sores. It was horrible, and I was annoyed by the unattractive sores. I went to the doctor, and she prescribed the cream. I saw a positive change in less than 24 hours. So I do believe this is a worthy medicine.

  • IB
    India Billups
    Verified review

    Great medicine. You can cure cold sores on your lips in 3 days. I recommend it.

  • HA
    Hart Augustin
    Verified review

    I have mixed impressions about this product. I like it, and it somehow helps with herpes, but the big problem is that I often have outbreaks. Maybe I should consider taking the pills.

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