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Accutane generic reviews and testimonials

  • DB
    Dwayne Butts
    Verified review

    I was told that this is a good medicine and I decided to try it. The results were wonderful! To be honest, if you have severe acne, this product is probably the best option for you. It has side effects, like any drug.

  • MC
    Maurice Cummins
    Verified review

    I bought Accutane online, happy with everything. Fantastic service.

  • SP
    Sterling Parkins
    Verified review

    Hello to everyone. A dermatologist prescribed Accutane and I took pills for 6 months. After many years of fighting pimples, the skin began to shine with health. To be honest, none of the drugs have worked as well as Accutane.

  • MS
    Mariano Stueck
    Verified review

    I've probably tried every acne medication and also passed a detox course to clear the toxins out of my body. Accutane is an amazing drug. When I looked in the mirror earlier, I felt pain, now I would look in the mirror for hours.

  • KA
    Kasey Apted
    Verified review

    I had very deep pimples. In the autumn of 2021, I started a course of Accutane taking 80 mg. The doctor at once said that acne treatment takes time. As for results, I had quite a long skin clearing period, but that's in the past now. I am very grateful to Accutane, my skin has never been so clear!

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