Zyrtec generic reviews and testimonials
LBLoyd BellamyVerified review
I've had a terrible allergy since I was 25. Luckily for me, the allergy only appears in the spring. But when it appears, I switch to zombie mode, for several nights I can only sleep a couple of hours. I began to take Zyrtec sticking to one tablet a day for the whole allergy season. Now I even forgot that I had problems.
DLDurante LucasVerified review
Christ! I have never had any allergy. At first, I thought I had something very serious and dangerous. It was so bad, the symptoms were getting out of hand, I thought I was dying. It turned out that I had seasonal allergies, the first in my large family. Allergist prescribed me Zyrtec just 4 days ago. The hives and terrible itching disappeared yesterday, it seems my allergy has gone.
BHBaptiste HintzenVerified review
I've tried a lot of things for over 20 years. For me, Zyrtec is quite effective, like other allergy medications, but it does not cause any side effects. Another important point, you don’t have to wait a few days for Zyrtec to really kick in.