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Vermox generic reviews and testimonials

  • RL
    Remington Lucas
    Verified review

    Fortunately, Ascaris treatment is cheap, safe and affordable. Thanks to Vermox.

  • CA
    Carey Arterberry
    Verified review

    I'm a student, and I'm 23. When the doctor said I had worms, I fucking hated him. Then I realized that no one can avoid it 100%, it's just life. Two tablets a day for three days helped me. I’m not a paranoiac, but now every time my butt itches, I worry.

  • EP
    Elodie Petit
    Verified review

    I was attacked by pinworms. I had an itchy anal area and other disgusting symptoms. First, I thought that the treatment would be difficult, but Vermox worked wonders. Just two pills and all problems were solved.

  • SH
    Scarlett Hurst
    Verified review

    It works well. I'm happy.

  • CC
    Casey Corwin
    Verified review

    I'm satisfied with the result, very effective for pinworms. I took one pill and one more pill 2 weeks later.

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