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Aralen generic reviews and testimonials

  • SH
    Siegmar Hase
    Verified review

    I feel much better than before using Aralen. My chronic cough subsided and my temperature was almost normal. All Covid symptoms disappeared except for loss of taste and smell. Dizziness was the only bad thing I had.

  • CB
    Carlyle Brewer
    Verified review

    I'm vaccinated, but I have not been revaccinated. I've just got through with COVID-19 for the first time. I'm obese and have always had breathing problems. I began to take the drug twice a day, and each dose brought some improvement. The chills disappeared, cough decreased, breathing improved. The only side effects I noticed were tinnitus and blurred vision, but they didn't bother me much. I really believe that Aralen saved me from possible hospitalization or other problems.

  • AC
    Allyn Clifford
    Verified review

    After my grandpa got positive test results for Covid, he was treated with this medicine. I can’t say whether the drug helped or not, but the virus gradually abated. The drug also had an interesting "side effect". Before Covid, my granddad had pain in his legs, and Aralen reduced pain and swelling.

  • HC
    Harper Corwin
    Verified review

    Strongly recommend Aralen. Fast effect, high efficiency and excellent value for money. I have been using this website for many years, and it never let me down.

  • DV
    Daniel Veronesi
    Verified review

    I am not saying that Aralen saved my life, but maybe it did. Blood oxygen saturation increased rapidly. After 5 days I felt better.

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