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Amoxil generic reviews and testimonials

  • AD
    Arthur Dent
    Verified review

    Hi! I’ve been avoiding dentists for over 15 years now. I had these awful shipwrecks in my mouth for so long. I just kept on procrastinating and just left them unattended. I am surprised, actually, it took this long, but all of a sudden the pain just shot through my skull one night. The entire left side of my face has swollen, and it was very painful to swallow. I did not consult my doctor I just took some Amoxil that my roommate had. The trip to the dentist is still ahead of me, though. Wish me luck if you read this.

  • AJ
    Amber Johnson
    Verified review

    Amoxil worked perfectly well for me and for my kids. It treats everything, from acne to cold, to all other kinds of infections, you name it. It is much better than most penicillin based drugs on the market.

  • CC
    Cindy Clarke
    Verified review

    I was given Amoxil to help fight off abscesses in my wisdom tooth. If there were side effects, I was not aware of any

  • AO
    Ali Omar
    Verified review

    Hello! I thought I was infected with COVID-19, but after I was tested, it was just a bronchial infection. I was prescribed Amoxil 500 mg for 7 days. It was making me a little sick, but I noticed positive results within the first 2 days of taking it

  • JR
    Jayde Russell
    Verified review

    Amoxil is the best antibiotic that I know. It may cause some unpleasant issues, so be careful with the dosage and make sure you follow your family doctor’s advice

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