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Aciclovir Cream reviews and testimonials

  • AS
    Ann Shavers
    Verified review

    I spent a lot of money and time on Acivir cream. In my case, I have to constantly take pills to keep the herpes from coming back. Unfortunately, I have no alternatives.

  • EC
    Ellen Chatman
    Verified review

    The cream helps me better than any tablet. After two or three days of using it, the bumps dry, and my lips look normal.

  • KG
    Katie Gatling
    Verified review

    I deal with herpes comprehensively and take pills. I always have cream for emergencies. If there is a bump ( that happens to me very rarely), it takes a maximum of 4 days to treat.

  • WM
    Wendy Mccray
    Verified review

    One of the greatest remedies for HSV or cold sores available! When I see a cold sore developing, I immediately apply the cream. The discomfort is instantly relieved, and the ache stops! Worth every cent.

  • SB
    Sidney Booker
    Verified review

    It doesn't work on me… Zoster cream appears to accomplish nothing more than keep herpes in its current state, not allowing bumps to grow.

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